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Permanent Course Directory

    Orienteering on permanent courses is done at your own risk.  Neither OCIN nor the property owners and managers, course designers and
maintainers, assume any liability for any loss, damage, injury or death which may occur.  We make the following safety suggestions:

1.    Know your physical limitations.
2.    Dress for current and changing weather conditions.
3.    Carry any needed medications(especially Epi-kits for those with allergies).
4.    Carry a whistle (emergency signal is 3 blasts, repeat). Courses generally are NOT monitored.  Do not assume you will be heard.
5.    Wear orange during hunting seasons.  Do not do courses during deer gun season.
6.    Do the course with a partner.
7.    Inform a responsible adult where you will be and when you expect to return.
8.    If you drive to the site, park in designated areas and secure valuables out of sight.

During the COVID19 outbreak, we are making PDF files of some permanent course maps available on our ParkQuest web page
for free download and printing, for personal or academic use.

OCIN retains all copyright and ownership rights to these maps.
Currently available on the ParkQuest site are Rentschler Forest MetroPark, Governor Bebb MetroPark, Miami-Middletown and Big Bone Lick State Park.
You may still order printed copies of these maps from the address below.

Public courses are in public parks which are generally open to anybody, at least during daylight hours.  If the park has an admission fee, that is noted.
    Private courses are in scout camps or other private property, and arrangements for use must be made through the property owner or manager.
    A sequential course is designed to be completed in numerical order, eg marker 1, 2, 3, etc.  They usually have beginner or intermediate points as noted.
    A score course is designed to be done in any order.  You can select which points you want to visit, based on your skill level and
the time available.  You can create different combinations for different types of training.

Ordering Maps

Maps of "Active Permanent Courses" on public land may be ordered by sending appropriate payment ($5 per map) to:
Orienteering Cincinnati Maps
6797 Stillwell Beckett Rd
Oxford, OH, 45056-8870

    1.    Make check payable to "OCIN"
    2.    Price per map includes mailing within the USA
    3.    Be sure you clearly specify which maps you want.
    4.    Be sure to include neatly printed name and address for shipping.
    5.    Please also include phone number and e-mail in case we have questions.
    6.    E-mail Mike Minium for discounts on quantity purchases.
    7.    Delivery within 4 weeks, usually much faster.  E-mail Mike Minium for rush orders.

Map "packets" available from Hueston Woods include a safety whistle.
Maps ordered directly from OCIN do not include a whistle.
OCIN's orienteering whistle may be ordered for $1 with any map order.

Active Permanent Courses

Inactive and Proposed Courses

Other nearby permanent courses

Woodland Trails BSA Camp, Camden OH - contact Matt Bond, Miami Valley Orienteering Club
    course type:   private

Cricket Holler BSA Camp, Dayton OH - contact Matt Bond, Miami Valley Orienteering Club
    course type:   private

Camp Whippoorwill GSUSA, Lebanon, OH - contact Matt Bond, Miami Valley Orienteering Club
    course type:   private

Bear Creek BSA Camp, Connersville, IN - contact Indiana Crossroads Orienteering, Indiana Crossroads Orienteering
    course type:   private

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Copyright © 2025 Orienteering Cincinnati